Nine Heroes
For the first time since 2010, voters were given the option of nominating a hero, someone making a significant contribution to the quality of life in their housing scheme. We had planned to celebrate remarkable residents, dedicated volunteers, and of course the scheme managers. In the end the overwhelming majority of votes went for the scheme managers, with one exception. We list below in alphabetical order the nine heros of our Awards.
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Click on each hero for more information about what makes them so special to the people that voted for them.
Sharon Gratton, House ManagerRockhaven Court, Horwich, Bolton Greater Manchester, by McCarthy & Stone Management Services Sharon works very ...
Donna Harvey, CookAbbeyfield House, Stirling, Abbeyfield Stirling Society Ltd She is very good at catering for the individual likes ...
Helena Newbold, Sheltered Housing OfficerLincoln Court, Milton Keynes, MK19 7PB, by Milton Keynes Council Helena is very caring, she is doing so much on a ...
Kathy Staunton, Development ManagerBellview Court, Bexhill on Sea, by Freemont Property Managers Kathy is always so friendly- so willing to listen to ...
Marion Tasker-Lynch, Scheme ManagerBrookhill House, Coleraine, by Apex Housing Association Marion has a great team of staff. They all made me so ...
Thomas Green, Court ManagerChapman Court, Worthing, by Housing & Care 21 And we have a lovely manager! (a resident) Tommy Green is the ...
Pamela Lambert, Court ManagerBowler Close, Bradford, West Yorkshire, by Housing & Care 21 We as residents nominate Pam. Without her Bowler ...
Esther Noah, Scheme ManagerAvonhurst House, Willesden, Brent, London, by Network Homes Esther is always helpful and friendly and always makes ...
Amanda Stevenson, Court ManagerLisbon Place, Newcastle-under-Lyme, by Housing & Care 21 Amanda is a treasure. She keeps an eye on our well ...
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